furniture design, cupboard, cocktail cabinet, postmodern design, radical design, memphis style, Gary Morga

Postmodern Design

Gun Cabinet
with three cupboards and three drawers.

Laissez-faire is a postmodern design that tells a story about capitalism.  Capitalism sucks up the earth’s natural resources then, through the processes of labour transforms them, into wealth. However, only a few benefit from this. It causes hardship for many and even death.

The promise is that the production of a utility that benefits the masses has been exploited to the extreme. Advances in psychology, marketing and our natural human traits have been used in an adversarial context. Basically, utility is mostly redundant and has been replaced by mass a market of disposable and unnecessary junk.

postmodern design, cupboards, cocktail cabinet, gary morga
postmodern design, Gary Morga, cupboards
furniture design, cupboard, cocktail cabinet, postmodern design, radical design, memphis style,Gary Morga
furniture design, cupboard, cocktail cabinet, postmodern design, radical design, memphis style,Gary Morga

Laissez-faire Postmodern Design
the article the painting and the bracelet

Gary Morga postmodern design
Acrylic and mixed media on linen, 90 cm x 150 cm
postmodern design Gary Morga
Acrylic and mixed media on linen, 90 cm x 150 cm
  • Laissez-faire and the postmodern design story. The visual elements resemble an upside-down hopper. that is sucking up the natural resource of the earth. At the same time the process of labour (symbolically, the red, man-made rectangle in the article and the red, child handprints in the painting) it is transformed  into wealth signified the use of gold as a sign.
  • There’s little regard for the planet or humanity. This is signified by the three skulls, and the aggressive saw-tooth edge.
  • On the left side of the cupboard there’s a black rectangle. This symbolises ignorance. Obviously unconsciousness is an important component that is necessary for extreme of capitalism.
  • Blue is the colour of our oceans, sky and planet – the home to our resources, to us and to all life.
  • During the second stage of development Laissez-faire revealed its function, as a gun cabinet. Obviously this is in preparation for the peoples revolt against capitalism. However, the acquisition of two AK47’s proved problematic. Consequently the great awakening is underway.
  • The number three, 3, has a presence throughout the design and represents aspects of dogma embedded in Western culture.
Silver Cuff Bracelet, Gary Morga
Gold and Silver Cuff Bracelet
postmodern painting Gary Morga
Acrylic n canvas 30 x 30 cm

Postmodern Design is
Language Orientated Design

Laissez-faire Laissez-faire Postmodern Design employs the three linguistic signs; symbol, index and icon.
  • Symbol: the colours and forms are chosen for their symbolic values.
  • Index: the skulls represent adversity, death and destruction.
  • Icon: the article is a cabinet and it looks like and functions as a cabinet.
The structural configuration of Laissez-faire uses signs similar to the principles of the structure of language (Structural Linguistics, Structuralism), as laid out by Ferdinand de SaussureCourse in General Linguistics. Saussure is the father of modern Linguistics. His work has influenced most of the Social Sciences.

We are creatures of symbolism, it’s our evolutionary leap.


In design, Postmodernism, follows culture. Like written and spoken language, design language and visual language comprises of an arrangement of signs, a signifier and a signified in a context with meaning.
The approach to the project is in two parts: The first part is to decide unambiguously on a subject. Followed by research and development on paper aiming for a clear final outcome that summarises the subject concisely. This research and development is best done when there is no final product in mind so as not to bias the outcome. Without clarity here, the second part cannot begin. 

The second part is to use the elements from the first part as structural components in the design of an object, now to be decided. Consider choosing an object that contributes to the overall significance of the subject. The significance of the configuration and function of elements should be kept in mind and contribute to the overall significance of the finished article.

Laissez-faire is available me directly you can do so here.

Gary Morga © 2019
Gary Morga © 2019
Gary Morga © 2019
Gary Morga © 2019